
A Marriage most Unsuitable Excerpt (2)

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Chapter Two.

Alice breathed deeply, trying to swallow the anxiety that was lodged in her throat. Her sisters flitted around her, pulling at her dress, pinching her cheeks, powdering her face, and patting her wild hair into place.

But all she could do, was stare at herself. Starting from the crown of her curly ginger hair, down to her fine eyebrows, and light grey-blue eyes.

Her high cheekbones complimented her elegant nose, and aside from the tear in her lip, her lips would have looked quite pretty and pleasing indeed. She stopped on her upper lip, examining it.

Emotions churned in her chest. She was angry for a split second for being born with a harelip, but being an optimistic, and logical person, she reasoned that it was no one’s fault. So there was no one, and nothing to be mad about.

She smiled at this thought, and saw straight rows of pearly white teeth shine back at her. Although, a very modest person, Alice had to admit that aside from her harelip, she was actually a very handsome young lady.

But no fool would be able to look past that and see it. Especially not her groom to be.

Alice’s heart dropped a little when she remembered the horrified look he had given her, before mumbling some excuse and storming away. And even when he had come back, after he had said a very unsatisfactory apology, he never said a word to her again, and wouldn’t look her in the eye. Much less glance in her direction.

“Alice? Alice.” One of her sisters snapped her fingers in her face.

She blinked in surprise. “Yes, dear? What is it?”

“I was just saying that you oughtn’t stand so. Your bad posture is making the dress look odd.”

Alice stood up straighter and saw creases smooth out of her wedding gown.

“There. Now you look simply divine.” Her sister sighed.

“Pardoning my lip of course.” Alice said playfully.

“Lip included.” Her sister retorted. “Any man would be positively stupid if he didn’t agree.”

“Well, darling we’ll just have to see what Elliot Herkel thinks.”

“He’ll love  it, I promise.”

“I’m not so sure.” Alice chewed on her lower lip.

“Well then he’s stupid.”

The two girls giggled at this, and then her sister bit her lip nervously. “Though… perhaps a little more rouge and lipstick would-

“No, trying to hide it just makes it stand out more.” Alice laughed, placing a hand on her sister's shoulder. “Besides, I’m not worried about it, it's simply a part of me and who I am. If I don’t act self conscious about it, everyone will forget about it.”

Her sister squeezed her hand, and their cousin stuck her head in the room.

“Come on girls. Everything’s ready. They’re waiting for you.”

Alice beamed reassuringly at her sister, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before letting go of her hand, so she could leave. She watched her sister's skirts swoosh out of the door, and heard them rustling, and chattering quietly as they walked down the hall.

She waited a few minutes before venturing after them. Her grandfather paced in front of the church doors. Wringing his hands in anticipation. His craggy face broke into a smile when he saw her.

“You look beautiful, dear.” He said kissing her forehead.

She giggled in response, hoping she was hiding how nervous she really felt.

The huge church doors swung open and she was greeted with the sight of dozens of heads turning in her direction. The rustle of clothes, sounding like the wings she wanted to fly away on. Despite her resolve, she was slightly glad the veil masked her from view.

She then directed her gaze to the front of the church where her groom stood. He was deliberately staring at the massive swooped ceiling. Anywhere, but where she was.

Stiffening, she strode down the aisle, knowing that if her grandfather wasn’t there leading her, she would risk fleeing the church

She jutted her chin in determination. This marriage was important for the good of her family, and she would not back down now.  

Her hand was transferred from her grandfather’s warm, rough, worn hand, into Elliot Herkel’s, cold, lax, smooth one.
She wanted to recoil from his touch. It felt like a dead snake. By the spasm from her groom’s hand, she could tell he was feeling the same way.

I must be positive. She reminded herself. I will be brave and everything will turn out well.

Distantly, she heard the preacher began the ceremony, and when the time came she echoed his words. Her words. Her avowal for Elliot. They felt hollow to her, somehow… but she knew they were vows before god and witnesses. They were the words that sealed her fate.

“You can now kiss the bride.” The preacher announced cheerfully, causing Alice to snap out of her trance.

Elliot took a breath as if preparing for something, and with lightning speed quickly pulled up her veil and pecked Alice’s lips with a kiss. It was so fast, and fleeting that Alice wondered if his lips ever actually touched her’s. only she knew he must have because she felt the slight sting on her bottom lip as would be expected from the combination of pressure and speed.

People surged forward to congratulate the newlyweds. Alice hugged everyone warmly, even the people she didn’t know, and had a smile for each one.
But she realized that people were starting to line up for her and she glanced over at Elliot to see if he had the same situation.

There were a few people, no more than four. With a stoic face, he quickly shook the hand of a gentleman, and almost rudely pushed him to Alice’s line.

When he caught her gaze on him, his expression never changed. He just turned to the last three young men. These he seemed to know more intimately.

They talked in low voices for a bit, before Elliot grabbed one of their arms and walked out of the church.

“Are you alright, dear?” Asked an elderly woman, whom Alice had known since childhood.

“I’m doing fine.” Alice laughed. well, she wasn’t going to let a reluctant groom dampen the celebration, even if she wished she too could run away. this (hopefully) would be the only wedding party of her life, and she felt she needed to have fun, considering how much time and money had gone into it.

all these people were here to celebrate with her, she had to show them their time was appreciated.

“he’s very handsome.” the elderly woman beamed at her. “you’re quite a lucky girl.”

“oh, he is?” Alice laughed. “I’m glad you told me, this corsets so tight I’ve lost all my vision you see.”

the lady tutted. “now now, its not proper to mention such delicate matters you know.”

“oh, yes of course Mrs. Appleby.” Alice agreed quickly. Mrs. Appleby tottered off to visit with Alice’s grandfather, still smiling.

“Alice!” she looked up to see one her twin cousins, Albert and August beaming at her.

“want to have the first dance?” August demanded at once.

“can’t let your stuffy old groom steal you away for too long now can we?” Albert winked.

“there isn’t any music playing yet!” Alice laughed, but allowed herself to be spirited away anyway.

by the time the festivities organized by her family had started, Alice had almost forgotten about her uncertainties and was happily laughing and joking with her family and the guests, even the Herkels guests seemed alright, though she could feel some of them giving her odd looks, no doubt aware of her deformity. she did not care. she danced several times with her cousins, with her sisters, and even a couple of times with her grandfather, and one of his old seafaring friends.

she was most surprised when Lord Herkel himself asked for the honor of a dance, but did not complain. he was stiff, but had a certain grace and polish to him that both startled and pleased Alice greatly. no one she knew danced in such an elegant manner.

“you seem to be enjoying yourself I see.” Lord Herkel eyed her thoughtfully.

Alice felt her stomach twist, aware that her father in law seemed to be searching her soul for something. but she grinned up at him. “well, I wasn’t until you started dancing with me!”

Lord Herkel actually cracked a smile. “you’d do better to try that with a younger man my dear, but the effort is appreciated. tell me, have you danced with my son at all yet?”


Alice realized that Lord herkel knew perfectly well she had not, and felt that twist inside again. “I actually haven’t seen him since the ceremony…”

“of course…” Lord Herkel narrowed his eyes, and she felt his hand squeeze hers slightly. “I suppose I’ll have to look for him later. I wouldn’t have thought at my age i’d still have to be babysitting, but perhaps eventually you might take over that job for me.”

Alice gave an awkward laugh. “well, am I allowed to discipline him at all, or is that forbidden?”

Lord Herkel gave her a devilish smile… Alice decided that the man had obviously been very handsome in his youth. “Punish him all you like, and the more the better I say.”

Alice laughed. “but on a different note… you dance so well, is there a possibility you could recommend your teacher?”

“well, only if you want to dance like a gentleman. and besides that, my old teacher has long since passed on, and the dead don’t talk as they say.” Lord Herkel smirked, and twirled her about. “but if you want to have a more… elite manner of dancing, i’m sure I could find a lady instructor who would suit you.”

“that would be wonderful actually.” Alice said gratefully. the music ended, and Lord Herkel bowed his head to her, kissed her hand, and wandered into the crowd.


the evening had progressed and it was time for Alice and Elliot to head to the mansion to begin their life as a married couple… Alice felt the twisting in her gut more painfully now, even though for everyone else's benefit she stayed all smiles and good cheer. truly though, she wished to vomit.

the guests had all milled home, and only the closest people in Alice and Elliots life were left…

but Alice found herself waiting with her sisters alone by the back of the church, staring thoughtfully at the carriage…

“what's taking so long?” one of her sisters asked after a moment. “you know i haven’t seen the groom all night…”

“shh!” her older sister said sharply, flashing Alice a nervous look.

“don’t.” Alice said cooly, “it's not like i’m not aware.”

they all three jumped at the sound of their Grandfathers furious voice booming towards them “What do you MEAN he’s gone Herkel?!”

both Lord Herkel and their grandfather strode through the churches back door. Lord Herkel looked a mixture of livid and exhausted, and Grandfather March simply looked enraged. Alice’s mother trailed behind them, looking ready to get between them if things came to blows.

“if he thinks he has the right to insult both my family as well as destroy my Granddaughters reputation… I won’t have it! I can have every right to pull out my finances from this agreement Herkel, mark my words!”

“Believe me… when Elliot is found, and I WILL find him…” these last three words came out of Lord Herkels mouth in a low, menacing growl. “he will be dealt with severely. and your Granddaughter will be a member of my household whether or not that damnable son of mine is found or not!” he added in a sharp bark. “In fact i’ll go so far as to disown him and have her inherit everything!”

he then turned to Alice, and she found she could not meet anyones eyes… she could feel everyone looking at her, expecting her to react… she felt a lump building in her throat as the humiliation of the situation started to overwhelm her.

“Alice I am sorry..” Lord Herkel began, but she cut him off.

“no, its fine! I… I’m sure he’ll turn up.” she laughed awkwardly. she smiled at everyone, though she felt her legs shaking.

“unless you want to return to your family home until the matter is resolved…” Lord Herkel said stiffly. “why don’t you head to the mansion in the… without the groom.”

“I.. I’d like to see more of the mansion actually.” Alice said, holding back the lump. “anyway, i’m sure it's all just a misunderstanding…” she started to make her way towards the carriage, her legs threatening to give way… this was usually the time the family bestowed their last blessings on the couple and their wedding night, but she was making this walk alone, and it was being proven there was no union to bless.

“do you wish me to accompany you?” Lord Herkel inquired, almost tentatively.

Alice shook her head, avoiding everyone's eyes.

“well… the Butler and maids know who you are.” her father in law said gently, and she felt his hand rest softly on her shoulder. “they’ll show you to your room… and help you with your dress if you need it… unless you want your sisters to-

“really…” Alice forced a laugh. “It’s all fine. thank you so much.”

she was helped into the carriage by the footman, and as the horses set off, she looked out, and smiled at her family, and waved, before withdrawing into her seat, and burying her face in her hands…

she could feel her torn upper lip against her palms…

she wasn’t upset… she was angry… she didn’t want to cry she wanted to scream… but she bit her bottom lip to hold back her wrath… how could anyone scorn her for such a shallow reason and aim to humiliate her so cruelly? what sort of person did that???

she sighed forcefully and rested her head back, squeezing her eyes shut. maybe this was all just a mix up… maybe it was an accident. after all, he at least had not jilted her at the aisle.

she ran a hand through her bangs, staring pensively at the ceiling. well, if he’d wanted to really humiliate her he wouldn’t have showed up to the wedding at all. he had gone through with the ceremony, so maybe it wasn’t as bad as she’d thought.

she could only hope.


when she reached the mansion, she was lead to Elliots room, now hers as well. it was large, and the bed was big enough to hold her entire family. she stared at it in awe.


she turned in confusion. a maid was standing at the door, head cocked.

“oh, sorry… what were you saying?”

“I asked if Miss needed help with her dress.” the maid said, giving her a slight smile. Alice noticed her eyes kept drifting to her upper lip, and she seemed a bit nervous.

“that would be lovely, thank you.” Alice smiled at her. “getting it on was a pain i can’t even imagine what it must be like trying to take it off.”

“of course miss.”

later that evening, Alice lay in bed, unable to sleep. the bed was unfamiliar, and it smelled strange to her… it was almost too soft, and she was practically sunk to her nose in the mattress…
even worse than unfamiliarity was the feeling of sadness and anger still gnawing at her reserve. the days ending events made her feel like she’s been chewed up and spit out like a bad tasting meal.
she sat up with a groan and threw off the covers. she wasn’t going to sleep at this rate.

she felt a little thrill of excitement despite her feelings of emotional nausea. the mansion was huge, and she felt eager to explore it.  

she carefully opened the door, and crept down the carpeted halls, trying not to wake anyone who might be sleeping. it was dark aside from moonlight trickling in from the occasional window, so she supposed her first mission would be to find a source of light, like a candle or lantern. she paused, considering where she could look for one.

she didn’t really know where anything was, so she decided she’d make do without light for the time being. things were always more mysterious in the dark.

it was as she had gotten her eyes adjusted to the dim gloom and had been wandering the halls, carefully peeking into room in case someone was inside them that she began to hear a soft, clicking behind her… she paused, and looked around.

a dark shape stood behind her, coming closer. it was broad, and hulking, and the clicking noises became louder as it approached.

Alice froze, her hand against a doorknob, ready to pull herself into a room and lock it if she had to… she held her breath.

the thing stopped before her and let out a low whine. Alice was only slightly relieved to recognize it was a dog. however it was a huge, intimidating dog, with paws the size of tea saucers and a large broad face with brown fur and big brown eyes.

it made a grunting noise and pressed on of its paws at her knees, pawing at her plaintively, whining again.

“what are you doing here then?” Alice asked, slightly relaxing her grip on the doorknob. the dog was not behaving in an aggressive manner, and its tail was wagging enthusiastically.

“you wouldn’t happen to belong to the herkels or one of their servants would you?” Alice asked, crouching down and placing a hand on the side of the dogs face, petting it. “something tells me you aren’t supposed to be inside…”

the dog let out a low grumbling noise as she scratched his ear, his face the picture of simple content.

“well… I wouldn’t mind a little company.” Alice said gently, standing up. the dogs behind began to wag with its entire backside in its enthusiasm, and it began prancing happily after her.

Alice had not explored very much before exhaustion had set in. she had made sure to slide down the impressive bannister, the dog happily bounding down the stairs after her, before she retired to bed that evening.

she was growing quite fond of it, and the dog seemed more than happy with her, trotting after her loyally and excitedly involving itself with whatever she was doing. she had to shush is a few times though, afraid of waking anyone.

when she entered her room and got into bed, the dog leapt onto the bed with her, and curled up beside her, content. Alice did not think Elliot would appreciate the scent of Dog on his blankets.

all the more reason for her to allow the dog to stay.
This would be filed into a PDF... only I don't have any art to use for it I'm afraid... 

anyway, this is Alice's perspective, the first half of the chapter was written by my friend, and the last half by me :D 

I feel I need to work on Alice's character a little more. is it sad I'm better at writing for mean people, but not for nice people?

this is unfinished, its just a teaser to see if people like it, so try to forgive any typos (or missing text) that you may come across. 

Alices family consists of her two sisters, and her mother and grandfather. her father is dead. she does have plenty of cousins and uncles and aunts as well. but no dad. just so you know in future.

story is (C) Lear-is-not-amused and anonymous friend 
© 2015 - 2024 Lear-is-not-amused
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Sleyf's avatar
Poor Alice, at least her sisters think her lip is wonderful even if she still feels self concious about it, still I'm sure there are "more hideous" things around than hare-lips, but in those days I imagine it would have been unfortunate to have one.  I laughed at the description of Elliot's hand as a dead snake...limp fish handshake - I hate those!
And the quick kiss was well written

Still not sure how I'd feel if my father-in-law told me that they were glad they no longer had to babysit...yes um...thank you for expecting me to put up with that, it's not the best thing for a bride to hear from her husband's father that he is a delinquent who often disappears and needs disciplining like a child...thanks but no thanks, just employ a nanny.

I kind of wished the dog was a hidden monster lurking around the old mansion, Jane Eyre style.  I do love me a good horror mystery, turns out it was just a very large and slobbery dog...(at least it wasn't a very large slobbery husband lol)